Monday, December 29, 2008

Review of "Letters From a Skeptic"

Greetings Friends,
At Andy's behest, this entry is about theology. I've finished reading the book "Letters From a Skeptic," which is a collection of correspondence between Dr. Gregory A. Boyd and his skeptical father, Ed.

The book starts with Dr. Boyd imploring his father to expound on the problems he has with Christianity and inquiring of him why he is an atheist. The father, Ed, responds that his lack of faith is not an affirmative position, but rather one based on his inability to reconcile the principles of Christianity with life.

Throughout the book, Dr. Boyd provides explanations to his father's concerns, and slowly throughout the course of the letters, in three years' time, Ed transforms from an avowed atheist to a Christian adherent. The book is described as being put together that it might have a similar impact on other skeptics.

I give this book a favorable review. The questions asked are very elemental concerns that both Christians and unbelievers may have. No doubt there are those who would disagree with Dr. Boyd's answers to all his questions, but he sums up Christianity very concisely: God wants to have a relationship with people. He does this by sending Christ Jesus to pay for our sinful nature. This gift of atonement is readily available to all who would ask for and receive it, whereupon we are given not just life, but that we might live more abundantly. One doesn't have to be perfect to receive the gift, in fact that's why we need a savior in the first place, because we aren't perfect. Only by God's grace may we enter into our Father's loving arms.

Until next time,

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