Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Seven Laws of Success!

Greetings and salutations. Had a brisk weekend in Blue Earth, enjoying the company of family and friends. Now I'm back to the city and enjoying my birthday. I got to work from home today, dialing into our network through the magic of internet, and presto! Its been a happy birthday indeed.

I mentioned in an earlier blog that Grandpa had run accross some pamphlets. I read through another one, this one titled "The Seven Laws of Success" Myself, aspiring to be a successful blogger or something one day, figured it was a good investment of time to leaf through this near-tome. Here's a brief synopsis:

1). Fix the right Goal! This goal must be something that excites ambition so that you strive for it.
2). Education. Get the knowledge you need to accomplish your goal.
3). Good Health. Eat well, sleep, exercise, and think positively.
4). Drive - constant energy and propulsion to accomplish the goal. This is why #1 is important. You can't have a drive to accomplish something you're not excited about.
5). Resourcefulness. Keep calm during crisis, but act swiftly in response.
6). Perseverance. Bad times will happen - push through to see your goal realized.
7). God. Seek guidance and help from our Creator. This most important law will change all other 6 in the author's mind. #1, the right goal, becomes not a physical but a spiritual goal. #2 becomes educating yourself with the Bible. #3 becomes obeying the Levitican laws of what is clean and unclean to eat, etc.

I think the text makes good sense of a few points. The author knew several wealthy bankers in his day, back in the early 1920s. They retired, died, and the people working at their banks no longer remembered them, let alone the general public. Their fame had amounted to nothing. This is an important realization, that if your goal is to have a lasting effect on the country, or the world, after your are gone, then that should shape your goal. Goals of hoarding money or treasures on earth are fleeting - one never has 'enough' and it's worthless in the end. A gold-plated casket is still just a casket.

The point in all this is simply, let us strive for worthwhile accomplishments in life. May it be pleasing to God what we put our hands to, and let him be glorified. In doing so, He will help us with our lives and guide us through the troubled times.

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